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2010-03-01 [Linderel]: You're both freaks.
*is secretly envious*
2010-03-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i need to learn how to knit
2010-03-01 [Easterling]: It's easy. And fun, too. :)
2010-03-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know, i learned how to knit in school but i never do it at home:O
2010-03-01 [Easterling]: Same here. I learnt to do it long ago. But I never continued and I forgot about it. Now, my friend showed how to do last Tuesday and I'm getting addicted. It's nice to have something to do while thinking. Or keeping you from thinking too much! xD
2010-03-01 [windowframe]: If you get too good at it, it won't stop you from thinking at all. :P I've seen old ladies fall asleep whilst knitting, and their hands carried on knitting for a minute after they'd gone to sleep. :O
2010-03-01 [Easterling]: That's my goal! xD
2010-03-01 [All_Most PUNK]: It's like a severed head! :O
2010-03-01 [hanhepi]: i still think if i tried to knit i'd end up tangled in my project. XD but wow, you got that many squares done in less than a week! wow!
2010-03-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i don't have anything to knit with
2010-03-01 [Easterling]: We could have a knitting challenge wiki here! xD
You know what they say, hanhepi, a new hobby is most fun in the beginning! xD And I'm a student with a writer's block. I have all the time in the world. :P
2010-03-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: that'd be cool, i'd like to learn how to make shirts
2010-03-05 [Chishio]: O.O OMG!!!
I love this <3 i think i'll join :3
do you have to do a Review each book?
2010-03-05 [Lady_Lionheart]: So, has anyone besides me read any of Anne Bishop's books?
2010-03-05 [All_Most PUNK]: Welcome Chishio. I see you are going for the big 100.
2010-03-05 [Chishio]: yup yup ^^ i love reading and am always on the lookout for a new book
2010-03-05 [Linderel]: Hmmm. Do poetry collections count?
2010-03-05 [All_Most PUNK]: Sure.
2010-03-05 [Linderel]: Splendid.
2010-03-05 [windowframe]: Chishio: Ideally you should try review each book, but no one's going to hunt you down and demand your blood if you don't. :P As long as you review a few, it's fine by me.
2010-03-05 [Viking]: I think you're underestimatin
2010-03-05 [Eyden13]: lol
2010-03-05 [Easterling]: Viking, are you going to hunt me down and demand my blood?
2010-03-05 [Viking]: Yes.
Well, actually anyone's blood will do so long as you pay your non-reviewing with blood.
2010-03-06 [Ayame the Snake]: I have a question. Does Manga count? (just wanted to ask before I join, I read more manga then novels >< lol)
2010-03-06 [Linderel]: I'm... not going to ask about women and certain types of blood.
2010-03-06 [windowframe]: 2010-03-01 [windowframe]: I knew someone would have to mention comics/managas eventually. :P
Personally, I don't mind, the idea is to get people reading, and I think mangas and comics can be just as intellectual stimulating as a lot of books. On another site where I run the same kind of thing, I know a lot of people there count 3-5 mangas as one book, due to the length difference.
2010-03-06 [Easterling]: Viking: You answered yes! :O
2010-03-06 [Viking]: XD
2010-03-06 [Ayame the Snake]: lol! Someone had to ask. Okay, that's a idea. *nods* I think I'm just going to go with 1 manga = 1 books. *shrugs and nods* But thank you. Just wanted to aske :D
2010-03-07 [Chishio]: ... *scared of Viking*
i'll do my best to review
2010-03-07 [Easterling]: Don't be scared of Viking, Chishio. x)
2010-03-07 [Viking]: XD
2010-03-07 [Viking]: Wow...[Akayume] plans to read 200 books in less than 10 months! Very impressive!
2010-03-07 [Akayume]: I read very quickly. I can read a book a day if I wish. (: Probably more. Besides... I need a challenge to get me going. >.O
2010-03-07 [Akayume]: I feel kinda silly though... Touching Darkness is the second book in the Midnighter's series. >.> It was the only one at the library though, and I understood it oke... So I guess all is well. ^-^''
2010-03-07 [All_Most PUNK]: Wow, 200 is an impressive amount!
2010-03-07 [Viking]: Yeah, I kind of thought you 100-book people were maybe a bit crazy. And my 52 was optimistic, so seeing someone with 200 was just shocking. Especially starting over 2 months late!
2010-03-07 [All_Most PUNK]: Yep. Personally, I think I'll end up somewhere between 120 and 130.
2010-03-07 [Viking]: I might actually go over 52, but I kind of doubt it.
2010-03-08 [*Phoenix*]: I started a book at the end of December and finished it in the middle of January: does that count?
2010-03-08 [Ravendust]: I've read a lot of books but I'm terrible with reviews e.e
2010-03-08 [Eyden13]: If you can read over 200 that should be fine. I know that I read like a fiend so I'll go over the goal. So will other people. I think its great. Plusthis helps keep track of what we've read s far. ^-^
2010-03-08 [Viking]: You don't have to write magazine-quali
2010-03-08 [Ravendust]: I'll give that another try... I've read tons of books already this year.
2010-03-08 [All_Most PUNK]: [*Phoenix*]: Sure, if you want to count it, it's ok.
2010-03-08 [*Phoenix*]: cool. Thanks!
2010-03-08 [windowframe]: I've seen people on other sites set 400 as their goal, and when you try to explain to them that that's more than 1 book per day, and probably not possible unless they have no job at all or are only planning to read books with less than 100 pages, they tend to get very offended. In my experience, people vastly overestimate how much they manage to read in a year if they're not actually keeping track of it. The only people I know who manage 200+ are housewives who have a lot of free time on their hands (and all just tend to read easy to-get-through trash novels, and lots and lots of erotica <_<)
2010-03-08 [Easterling]: 400 books! :P But I remember that I also first thought that a year was a longer time than it is.
2010-03-08 [Viking]: What do you mean you thought "a year was a longer time than it is"?
2010-03-08 [Akayume]: I read during school I've got nothing better to do. ^-^' And I've always been a quick reader... I could read college text books and understand them when I was in the fifth grade.
2010-03-08 [windowframe]: That's nice. Yeah, I remember reading Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philoso
2010-03-09 [All_Most PUNK]: Tsk, that's nothing! I read a Batman comic when I was 12!
2010-03-09 [Viking]: *checks batteries in sarcasm meter*
2010-03-09 [All_Most PUNK]: Be careful, it may explode :P
2010-03-09 [Viking]: XD
2010-03-09 [Akayume]: I'm not sure why everyone has to get so sarcastic. I wasn't attempting to lie to seem "cool" or anything, if that's what came across from what I said. I've just always been a good reader (which balances out my horrific mathematical skills which are pretty much nonexistent).
2010-03-09 [windowframe]: Teenagers bragging about their uber reading skillz is a fairly common phenomenon on the interwebs, hence it tends to get an embittered response from people who've heard it all before from a hundred different teens (most of whom, despite their apparently excellent reading skills, fail to display much intelligence in their postings). They all read X book when they were Y years old, or make insubstantial and rather meaningless claims that they could read "adult books" (What adult books, because, y'know, with the poor quality of some adult books, that's not such an achievement <_<) Your claim is similar to the second - College books about what? :) Since you've just said you're maths isn't so good, I doubt they were college level books about maths. :P Or did you mean the same literature that people study in college? (which is sort of misleading, because they're not "college-level books", so I'm assuming you meant something closer to the former).
Basically, from our point of view, there was no need to mention what level books you could read when you were X years old, and thus it tends to look like bragging, especially since it seems rather unrelated to your previous sentence of "I've always been a quick reader". And? :P I doubt it's your quick reading skills thatlet you read more complicated material. ;)
Also, I'm British. :P I have to be sarcastic. But you shouldn't take it too seriously, I'm teasing you, not trying to make you look or feel stupid. I just sometimes forget that on the interwebs, people can't tell the different unless you use a million different smilies. <_<
2010-03-09 [All_Most PUNK]: 'sides, it's nothing personal, it's just the way we have fun and joke around :)
2010-03-09 [windowframe]: Except when we're talking about Pubky being a fascist. That's dead serious.
2010-03-09 [Akayume]: Ah, well, I wasn't attempting to brag. And it's what the state calls the "college reading level" (pretty much I took a series of reading tests in the second grade and then the fifth grade and I was told that, since they were going to let me skip a grade). And it's not really the difficulty, but how good the book is. I tend to stall with books that are boring (for instance Ethan Frome or go very quickly for books I do enjoy (such as Frankenstein.) And I agree there are a lot of teenagers who seem to want to brag about everything (from how often they cut to how much intellectual skillage they have) but I don't really see the point in that.
And I was more justifying the "200" goal than anything.
Also... As a side note, if this is the 2010 Reading Challenge, do you count books you read after 1.1.10, or only after you joined up? I've read some books since the start of the New Year after all.
Sorry if I offended anyone. (:
2010-03-09 [windowframe]: No you can count any that you're positive you've read this year. :)
2010-03-09 [All_Most PUNK]: Personally, I found Frankenstein unbearable. But, of course, I'm a FASCIST -_-
2010-03-09 [windowframe]: Me too, actually. I've heard lots of different theories about who it is we're supposed to sympathise with, the "monster" or Frankenstein, but I just can't bring myself to sympathise with either. Frankstein brings about his own downfall through his moral weakness, and is too much at fault for you to be able to pity him (you instead feel he deserves it), and the same goes for the monster - you don't care what he does at the end of the book, because you cannot sympathise with his character any more. I suppose you could argue that you're supposed to sympathise with the monster to start, and then switch your sympathy to Frankenstein, but he's just as morally inept and weak at the end, so for me that's not possible either.
2010-03-09 [All_Most PUNK]: My problem was a different one: at least in the first pages of the book, the narrator keeps saying how everybody was goooooood, very gooooood, excellent people, really niiiiiice. Bored me a lot.
2010-03-09 [Eyden13]: Wow! This is awesome, book talk^-^ I honestly didn't like Frankenstei because of the lack opinion I found in it For some reason it just didn't do it for me.
2010-03-10 [Akayume]: The letters are terrible, I agree. But I love Shelley's style of writing! I love her words. (: And I hate Dr. Frankenstein. He's a pansy. >.> He's like all "woe is me, my life is horrid" and it's like, well, you did bring it upon yourself. The worst thing ever though was when he left Elizabeth alone. DUH! I saw her death coming from miles away. >.>
2010-03-10 [Linderel]: Well, it was fairly obvious that she would die. I'd be surprised if someone didn't see it coming.
For the record, possibly the only reason I have read Frankenstein already is because it was one of the entrance exam books for the uni I'm currently studying at. Otherwise, it would still be somewhere in my long, long reading list. :P
2010-03-13 [Chishio]: so happy right now, i have many books =3
i love going to the library ^^
2010-03-14 [Easterling]: Viking. You asked me what I meant with "thinking a year being longer than it really is". Well, I think I'm still in the youthful illusion that a year is a very long time. I tend to me a hopeless optimist when it comes to how much time I've got. At new year's I think "Ohh, I've got a whoole year ahead of me!" and I always talk with friends that we should do a lot of things, not being realistic about what I really have time for doing. When I was going to sign up for the reading challenge and saw others setting up 100 books as a goal, at first, before realizing how many books you'd have to be reading every week, I didn't think it was a very high number. When I thought twice, my respect for that number became bigger. :)
2010-03-14 [Easterling]: Youthful illusion... let's be honest and say: it's a childlish illusion. I'm actually a child in a 26-year old's body (which is, I guess, not a secret to anyone).
2010-03-14 [Viking]: Ah, I see! But remember that time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
2010-03-14 [Easterling]: I remember when I was in my teens and was going to write a paper about black holes in space, for school. My paper didn't really turn out well, and I didn't understood half of the book, but I did get that first thrilling feeling of understanding time wasn't something solid or certain. Gah, it was hard explaining in Swedish and it's not easier in English. Maybe you understand a little what I'm trying to say...
2010-03-14 [Viking]: Yes, I think I know what you mean. Basically.
2010-03-14 [Easterling]: xD ... Ok, maybe I need to go to sleep, I'll laugh at anything right now. :)
2010-03-16 [Eyden13]: ^-^
2010-03-22 [windowframe]: A small request: When posting your reviews, it would be very helpful if you could list in the area that says "60 characters about what it is and what you think about it." what genre it is. :)
2010-03-27 [*Phoenix*]: Woot! I've finished 17.5 books!!! XD *dies of laughter*
2010-03-30 [All_Most PUNK]: Wooohoooo! I've reached Elin's goal :D
2010-04-01 [Jitter]: I am so totally failing this.
2010-04-01 [Chishio]: i'm slow but i'm confident i shall make my goal!! almost done the book i'm reading at the moment.
2010-04-01 [Viking]: I'm still on schedule...
2010-04-02 [windowframe]: I'm not on goal at the moment, but I knew that would happen around this time. I'll get back up to speed after dissertation's handed in.
2010-04-09 [Easterling]: *shakes fist at Punk*
(I'm not really angry about it, but it seemed like a thing I should be doing, when a person reaches my goal before me. xD)
2010-04-09 [Easterling]: I'm amazed of how fast you're reading, Punk! How do you do it? Have you always been reading this fast?
2010-04-10 [Duke Devlin]: I've only read about 3 or four books so far! :P Unfortunately, I started reading a book, then accidently left it up North (at uni). =/ Was very disgruntled, and I find it hard to start another while reading one! XD But I'm doing so naow. :) Muuuust reeeeach tarrrget....
2010-04-11 [*Phoenix*]: Whooo! Over half way there! I know I'm going to break this goal!
2010-04-21 [Caterin S.]: Whoa, me too. O__O Scary. Seems like I underestimated my freetime and reading speed.
2010-04-22 [*Phoenix*]: I know! Me too!
2010-04-22 [Duke Devlin]: I definitely did. =/ But then again, SUMMER will allow for plenty of reading time for some. :)
2010-04-25 [*Phoenix*]: Yes it will! I can't wait!
2010-05-07 [hanhepi]: well, i'm up to 8 out of 50.
2010-05-07 [Akayume]: Yay! (: And hopefully they've all been good books thus far.
2010-05-08 [hanhepi]: some have been better than others. generally speaking, i won't read an entire book if it really sucks. i'd have just done a "well i tried to read it, but couldn't make it past page 105. it was that bad. the faces in the rating system don't look disgusted enough to express the way i feel..." kind of review. then only given myself half credit for the book here. lol.
2010-05-09 [Akayume]: I see. Makes sense. XP There's only a handful of books I haven't completely finished.
2010-05-09 [Duke Devlin]: See, I hate starting a book and not finishing it. D: But I have dropped a few in my time - some are just too painful. -___-
2010-05-09 [Akayume]: Yes, me too. For some reason I can't read Lord of the Flies... I just can't get into it! I've tried twice and failed both times.
2010-05-09 [hanhepi]: oh, i had to read that one all the way through. senior english. it was... an ok book. i reread it a few years later (after i had 2 boys) and suddenly it took on new life ("why yes. yes i can see one of my kids putting a boar's head on a pike. yes i can.").
2010-05-09 [Akayume]: I skipped to random pages later in a book (like where to where they kill the boy with the body nose), but I couldn't ever read it all. >.O Too hard to get into for some reason...
2010-05-10 [Duke Devlin]: I've never tried to read it, but I always thought it sounded quite interesting, from a sort of... Psychological perspective? D: I dunno.
2010-05-10 [Ms. Steel]: Lord of the Flies is one of my favorite books. :-)
2010-05-10 [Akayume]: It seems interesting, but I just can't finish it. >.<
2010-05-10 [Ms. Steel]: It is quite brutal. One of the few books that shocked me. Maybe the only, come to think of it.
2010-05-13 [Chishio]: i'm slowly checking up to everyone ^^
2010-05-22 [All_Most PUNK]: Halfway there!
2010-05-23 [Jitter]: I'm not even close to halfway D:
Life happened >>
2010-05-23 [hanhepi]: same here, only i think it only slowed me down a little. (had it not happened, i might be reading my 10th or 11th book, instead of my 9th.) the more i think about it, i might not make it to 50. :(
2010-05-23 [All_Most PUNK]: I beat Mir and Han's goal!
2010-05-24 [hanhepi]: yes you did. :P
2010-05-26 [All_Most PUNK]: *does victory dance*
2010-05-26 [hanhepi]: *points and laughs at you doing your victory dance*
you dance funny.
2010-05-27 [All_Most PUNK]: :( U suk.
2010-05-27 [hanhepi]: *nods* yes i do. :P
2010-06-24 [Mirime]: Hmph. Well, I have a dissertation to write :P
2010-06-28 [All_Most PUNK]: Ah, you may read books for the dissertation?
2010-06-30 [All_Most PUNK]: In any case, I'm going a lot slower nowadays. World Cup and X-Box are keeping me distracted >>
2010-07-19 [*Phoenix*]: Whoo! I'm so close!!!
I've been doing more reading lately and I finally got a bunch of reviews done. I still have some more, but they're books I don't own.
WOOT! So close! X-]
2010-07-19 [windowframe]: And it's only half way through the year. :) Looks like you underestimated how much you read by quite a way. :3 You should set yourself a new goal.
2010-07-20 [*Phoenix*]: I know! But I probably won't change my goal because I won't read much when school starts in a month and a half-ish. I'll just keep reading. ^_^ Then I'll know what to do next year.
2010-07-26 [*Phoenix*]: You're getting close to your goal, too, Cat!
2010-07-27 [Caterin S.]: Yep, I'll probably reach it quite well before the life at the uni gets busy, but I think I too stick with the goal and add all the extra books I manage to read before the end of the year to my page - and possibly do review on the very best or the very worst of them. :)
So I can give myself a better goal for the next year. ;)
(And I will be more busy later on as we'll be moving to a new place and I have a couple of conferences to attend to.)
2010-07-27 [*Phoenix*]: Me too. Once school starts I probably won't read hardly anything at all.
2010-07-31 [*Phoenix*]: Woot! Met my goal! I think next year I'm going to go with 50. ;] or possibly 60.
2010-08-04 [Akayume]: Good for you! :D
2010-08-05 [*Phoenix*]: :0] Thanks.
2010-08-30 [Akayume]: I'm reading Mrs. Dalloway right now... I can only read it for a little bit at a time. >.O
2010-08-30 [*Phoenix*]: I think I've heard that name before, but I know nothing else.......I just finished Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and I'm in the middle of Through the Looking Glass. ^^ I love them!
2010-08-31 [Chishio]: i started Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but i haven't had time to sit and read, i need a nice quiet place, cause i don't want to miss anything.
2010-09-01 [*Phoenix*]: I through enjoyed it. ^^ I hope you get a chance to finish it.
2010-09-02 [Caterin S.]: One last to go! :)
2010-09-02 [hanhepi]: i think maybe i set my goal twice as high as i should have. :( i've read 3 books that i haven't reviewed yet, (3? maybe it was 2. not sure anymore) and i'm still reading the complete Sherlock Holmes, have been since some time in late june. :(
2010-09-02 [windowframe]: That's quite a thick book if your main reading time is just before bed, though. Just pick some really short ones next. :P
2010-09-03 [hanhepi]: yeah, i need good short fast reading ones. about 20 of them. lol. but next i have a new stephen king to read "under the dome", and it's really thick too. good news, being king, i'll likeley be laying awake a lot. lol.
2010-09-03 [windowframe]: Yeah, but I bet it's big print + huge margins + huge spacing. Most modern books seem to be. It's this stupid 'MUST BE A BIG BOOK' mentality even when they're not actually that long. I've got books as thick as, and way taller + wider than, my copy of War and Peace that have... a quarter of the amount of words? If that. It's retarded, it just makes them hard to travel with. But I bet the King will be a way faster read than the Conan Doyle.
2010-09-03 [All_Most PUNK]: Under The Dome is pretty long, actually. It does have big print, but also a big format. And about 1070 pages. I finished reading it last week.
2010-09-03 [windowframe]: Estimated word count of Under the Dome: 268,500
Estimated word count of War and Peace in English: 560,000
And yet, my copies of those books are the same size. (actually, Under the Dome might be slightly bigger) My copy of War and Peace has 1400 odd pages. So 400 pages more, for twice as many words. Modern book fail. <_<
2010-09-03 [All_Most PUNK]: And still, Under the Dome is a pretty long book. I didn't say it was longer than War And Peace :P
2010-09-03 [Viking]: Your copy of War and Peace doesn't include the even pages? That must be confusing to read...
2010-09-03 [windowframe]: But it's still waaaay bigger than it needs to be.
2010-09-03 [Lothuriel]: random....I love the book "Good News"
2010-09-19 [Chishio]: T.T idk if i'm going to make it!!!!
2010-09-19 [windowframe]: I doubt I am, either but oh well. :P
2010-09-19 [Akayume]: I agree. DX College is killing me. On the bright side, I'm reading The Odyssey by Homer for my CNES class. XP
2010-09-20 [Viking]: I don't think I'll make it either, but when the weather gets nasty I'll probably spend a lot more time sitting in front of a fire with a book. So, maybe I'll get close.
2010-09-20 [Akayume]: You have a fireplace? So lucky. DX
2010-09-20 [Viking]: I do =D
2010-09-20 [Lothuriel]: Same here. In the winter, all I do is read.
2010-09-20 [Chishio]: i need to get to the library >.<
2010-09-20 [hanhepi]: i finally gave up on sherlock holmes last night. i shelved the book in mid-case because i took a break from reading it to read a book called Elijah of Buxton that my kid brought home. (review forthcoming) and i realized that i do still enjoy reading. so i'll go back and read the last 100 pages or so of Holmes some other time. i started Under the Dome last night! it's pretty good so far too. XD
2010-09-29 [Chishio]: okay, so i finally got to the library so i have more books, hopefully i can at least make it half-way!
2010-10-06 [Duke Devlin]: I definitely have no chance of reaching my goal! I don't think I even have that many books with me here at uni. :/ Damnit all!
2010-10-06 [windowframe]: I definitely have enough books with me, but since there are only 11 weeks to go I need to read like, 5 books per week. Doable in the holidays, not during term-time. <_<
2010-10-07 [Akayume]: I know. >.O Uni is killing me! I hear ya.
2010-10-11 [Lothuriel]: OMG!! I read a book! I did it! Me! Reading! Can you believe it?
2010-10-11 [windowframe]: w00t! Grats. :3 Glad you managed to find the time.
2010-10-12 [Chishio]: yay 1/4 the way there (i may just get a least half way by the end of the year)
2010-10-12 [All_Most PUNK]: I'm so far from my goal ;_;
2010-10-12 [windowframe]: I thought you looked like a pretty good candidate for reaching it, actually. :O
I think next year, I might set a far smaller goal and focus on getting some of the more hefty tomes on my shelf read (City of God, Gargantua & Pantagruel, and The Faerie Queen have been sitting there unread for long enough, methinks <_<)
2010-10-13 [Chishio]: well i just went to the library today, so i have 8 new books to read ^^
2010-10-13 [All_Most PUNK]: Yeah, I thought so too, but I'm reading a lot less :S I still have some hope, actually, but I'm not sure if I'll make it (of course, it may happen that I actually finish the 5 or 6 half read books that I have from the last 3 months or so and in that case the chances go up again).
2010-10-15 [Jitter]: I was on a good pace then the next book in my series still hasn't arrived in my mailbox and I'm not really in the mood to read something else :(
2010-10-27 [Trennas]: I'm still keeping a really steady reading pace! I read on the bus and train to and from work every day, so I'm kinda racing through my books right now :)
2010-10-28 [All_Most PUNK]: 21 left. I think I still may reach the goal :)
2010-10-28 [Lothuriel]: LOL I am just now starting on Book No. 2 *is slow*
2010-10-28 [Viking]: I also have 21 to go. There's no way I'll make it unless I start reading comic books and counting each issue as a book...
2010-10-28 [windowframe]: Or start reading the Mr. Men/<insert other generic children's series> books or something. :P
2010-10-28 [All_Most PUNK]: If I counted comics books, I'd be in like 500.
2010-10-30 [Lothuriel]: Good gravy!! I we are counting comics, then well...I trump you all LOL
2010-11-02 [All_Most PUNK]: No, you don't :P
2010-11-02 [Viking]: Uh oh...time to find out who has the biggest pile of read comic books...
2010-11-02 [All_Most PUNK]: Nobody is more of a freak than me :P
2010-11-02 [Viking]: But...You don't even work in a comic book store anymore, do you?
2010-11-02 [All_Most PUNK]: Nop, I haven't for 4 years. But I go there a lot.
2010-11-24 [▲.]: I have read about 20 books but I'm too lazy to update my page. xD
2010-12-04 [All_Most PUNK]: Close... so... close...
2010-12-04 [windowframe]: z0mg, you can do eeeet. :D
2010-12-05 [All_Most PUNK]: I can do eeeet! :D In fact, I think I will!!!
2010-12-05 [windowframe]: *cheers you on*
2010-12-22 [windowframe]: Pubky, read moar!
2010-12-23 [All_Most PUNK]: I've been reading, just not updating! (because I haven't been loggin in here :P ).
LOOK! 99!
2010-12-24 [windowframe]: w00t!
2010-12-24 [All_Most PUNK]: Currently reading: Blue Moon Rising by Simon Green and Catch 22 by Joseph Heller.
2010-12-24 [windowframe]: <3 Catch 22
2010-12-25 [All_Most PUNK]: It's amazing, but for some reason I started it like 3 months ago and then got distracted by horrible books :P
2010-12-26 [windowframe]: I think that might be some sort of crime. <_<
2010-12-26 [Akayume]: Agreed.
2010-12-27 [All_Most PUNK]: Probably it is in first world countries. But you know us backwards third world societies, we don't have rules that make sense.
2010-12-28 [Chishio]: I'm not going to make it... I should have pick a lower goal
2010-12-28 [Viking]: i'm not going to make it either. At this point, I'll be happy to finish the two books I'm reading now.
But we're doing it again next year, right?
2010-12-28 [All_Most PUNK]: You may. I'm not sure I will :P
2010-12-28 [Viking]: slacker!
2010-12-28 [Eyden13]: I'll definitely want to to it next year!
2010-12-28 [All_Most PUNK]: I'm the slacker? You, sir, are the slacker!
2010-12-29 [All_Most PUNK]: And theeeeen... 100!
2010-12-30 [Viking]: I'm a slacker, as are you. Neither of us slacks enough to be the slacker. Read some Plato if you need more info.
2010-12-30 [All_Most PUNK]: Can't read anymore this year, sorry :S It would be against the law or something.
2010-12-30 [Viking]: Right. That makes sense.
2010-12-30 [Linderel]: I'll be lucky if I make it to 29 (although I might if I read all day tomorrow), but that would still count as a victory of sorts; I haven't read nearly as much in the past few years. :3
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